Instructor: Prof. Mansoor Sheik-Bahae Office: Physics & Astronomy Rm. 1109 (North Wing) Phone: 277-2080 E-mail:
Pre-requisites: 302L: PHYC 302 or 330 or 262 or 160 476L/477L: PHYC 302 or PHYC/ECE 463 or 464 Please drop the course if you have not passed at least one of the pre-requisite courses. Class meeting times (BE ON TIME):
Where to Meet: We start every session in P&A Room 190, then move to Room 112 (Optics Lab)
Useful Textbooks: Optics (Hecht) Optical Electronics in Modern Communications by Amnon Yariv, Lasers by A. E. Siegman, Laser Fundamentals by William Silfvast
Teaching Assistants: Junwei Meng (Tiger) , Chih-Feng Wang Lab Coordinator: Dr. Michael Hasselbeck
Grading: The final grade is weighted as follows:
Each student will be given a blank lab notebook (60 pages/double sided) on the first day of the course. She/he must record the details of each experiment follwing the guidelines described here. |
ATTENTION!! All students enrolled are required to read the above OSHA manual carefully. You will be asked to sign an "Agreement of Understanding" form on the first session of this course.
Lab Manuals and Notes Click
on the |
Optics Experiments (for 302L only) |
Solid-State (DPSS) Laser
Mode-Locked Ti:Sapphire Laser (coming soon!!) |